Sorry about not posting for the last day, but it has taken me a little bit to make sure that I have a the right charger for my computer, my american phone, my new dutch phone, to find internet access and to find who's car I left what phone, computer, charger and converters in!
So with that out of the way.. The horses and all of us are doing GREAT! Will, Doug, Sara, Chrissy and I arrived into Amsterdam yesterday morning and after losing my wallet (fortunately I had my passport and credit card) and headed over to the horse hotel to meet Tiana and wait for the horses to arrive. Five hours later the horses and Nat arrived. The horses looked great when they arrived. We unloaded them and walked them around while Tiana loaded her gear and then we put the ponies on the lorry and headed to Boekelo, which was another two hours down the road. We arrived to more than five people to help us unload, offer tea, coffee and cookies and after the horses got settled a few rounds of beer at the bar on the grounds!
We have all decided this is our new favorite event and it has not even started! We went for a hack this am and all the horses were a bit fresh, but we all are a bit fresh and excited!! The other competitors should arrive tomorrow and things should get crackin so ill let ya know the schedule when I know it!
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