Best day!
Woke up in a freezing cold trailer, as we ran out of propane in the night. Thank god for having a dog to keep me warm!
Had a final course walk at 7am to get some of the morning nerves out of the way and confirm my plan. The ground felt great. It is still pretty windy here, so Shaggy was still feeling quite fresh when I got on him! He warmed up beautifully giving the jumps lots of room and landing galloping away. He certainly felt ready! When we crossed the road to the start box he knew it was time and put his game face on. This horse moved up many ranks in my books today! He felt incredible out there the whole time and finished with gas in the tank. He handled all the questions like a seasoned pro! He recovered quickly in the box under the excellent supervision of Sandra, Christiana and Randy. They are amazing and much appreciated!
There were problems in different areas all over the course today. There was not one particular jump that cause a lot of problems.
All our thoughts are with Sharon and Jennifer right now who both had falls today, but are reported to be doing well.
Would also like to add that the US riders overseas did a great job xc today!
Shags is looking great tonight, thanks to sandras great care throughout the day and I'm sure is looking forward to snice rest tonight!
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