People, dogs and of course children reminded us all that is was the last day of October and we should be dressed up eating candy. The prize givers were also in costume... but host Carl Bouckaert was not!
All our horses were very good and Dana, Susan and I kept the positions that we had going into the SJ ring.The courses again were the stamp of Mark Donovan, and were really good tracks. I have to say also that the footing in the arenas was really good. The first time I rode here was this May and the footing was still new, this week end it felt even better then at the AEC's.
It is strange to be driving home from the last event of the year for The Fork crowd. Quite a year it has been, and this was a nice one to end on. The negative is now dealing with the backed up traffic on I-85.... Agggggh think it is going to be a long drive home.
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