Yesterday was a pretty hectic packing day. I didn't leave the barn till 9:00 last night and didn't finish everything at home till 11:30. We ended up leaving the house later than we wanted, which meant leaving the barn a little later than planned.
Harley knew something exciting was happening so like usual when he's excited, he refused to take his Ulcer Guard. After a few minutes of convincing he finally let me give it to him and then put on his shipping boots. He hates those too!
Before getting on the trailer for the long trip, I let him hand graze for a few minutes. I knew once he got on the trailer he would wish he was playing and grazing instead of being cooped up. His idea of a 5 hour, 286 mile, long bumpy car ride is not high on his list of favorite things to do.
Once we arrived at Chattahoochee I got butterflies in my stomach. Coming down the driveway I could see a very large assortment of trucks, trailers and RV's. As far as I could see, trailers. I am guessing the majority of people had already arrived. I took a picture from the hill with my cell phone.
I'm nervous but excited. Prepared and thoughtful. I'm keeping a level head and I'm pampering my horse. Afterall, without my horse partner I wouldn't be here.
Looking forward to the week!
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