Today was the last day of the AEC's. Alot of people packed up and left yesterday. More are packing and leaving this morning. My family and I will leave for home after we watch some of the Advanced stadium this morning.
This has been such a great experience for me. I'm so glad I was able to come. Every day I learned something new. It's definitely an experience I'll never forget. Being here has helped me realize even more that THIS is exactly what I want to do with my life.
Harley was a good boy all weekend. He was relaxed in his stall and out walking. He definitely conserved his energy for when it mattered most. Right now he's happy to be back at home playing in the pasture with his best friend Gator. Tomorrow he'll be off and we'll resume work on Tuesday. We haven't decided what's next on the schedule yet, but I'm setting my sights on qualifying for the 2011 AEC's.
Chattahoochee Hills is a great place! There's lots of wide open space and it's so pretty there. So much work was done in less than four months since I was there last. I can't wait to see what changes between now and the next time I'm there.
The only things I would like to have different is a ring where people can work their horses outside of warming up, and less dust. There was a field we could ride in, but it would have been great to have a ring available to work in. The staff at Chattahoochee did a good job of wetting everything down often to try and control the dust, but it was still really dusty.
I was able to see some of my favorite riders go this weekend - Susan Beebee, Rebecca Howard, Sinead Halpin and Doug Payne. They all had good rides and I enjoyed watching their different riding styles.
I'm exhausted but still so excited for my experience. I definitely recommend Chattahoochee to anyone.
WEG is coming soon. I just know Rebecca will make the Canadian team. She and Rupie had a great weekend! Go Rebecca and Team Canada!! I'll see you guys in Kentucky and I'll be sure to wear my Canada shirt just for you guys!!
Off to bed. Tuesday begins training again.
Photo of Advanced division winner, Becky Holder, by Leslie Threlkeld
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